What I do
My clients are entrepreneurial organisations in transition. They are moving from one or two key founders or partners, to a wider group of next level managers and team and then to a larger, grown up organisation. The common denominators are they have barriers or blockers to sustainable growth or scale and they are working as purpose led or impact organisations with technical skillsets. They crave success, love to create amazing results for their clients and their staff and invest in their development.
Founders Freedom
As a founder or leader, are you:
doing most of the jobs in your organisation or are stuck trying to hand over to others?
finding it hard to come by leaders who show the tactical and strategic skills needed to support you and are getting the right balance between commercial, people and planet?
You need to:
create the space to reflect on what is needed for now and the future to plot your succession plans.
free up your energy for other strategic work, thereby freeing up your people and the wider organisation?
Next Level Leaders - Talent Acceleration
Do you leaders and senior managers have:
the right skill set that is vital to the success of your organisation and are willing to invest time to improve?
a growth mindset, that is crucial to building resilience and success in your teams?
This 6 to 12 month programme will prepare the next level leaders to step up to:
define the standards that build the foundation for future success,
be more strategic and efficient with theirs and others workload,
develop the leadership and communication skill set and attitude for high performance,
align the personal and group behaviours that cascades success and consistency throughout the organisation, supporting the attraction and retention of world class talent.
Culture and Mindset - Your DNA
Does your organisation have:
a clear direction, values that they live by and a central purpose that is consistent with their strategies and practices and can be agile in a changing world?.
a clear understanding of the behaviour that defines the DNA of your culture?
the mindset needed for their strategy and resilience to work through the change that is needed to get there?
To accelerate or speed up the progress of the organisation or team you need:
an external voice of truth giving insights where to focus.
someone who can codify what you do and then help you to develop the strategy and plans needed.